Monday, April 21, 2014

Almost 2 months of teaching in Korea

Its been almost 2 months since I've been teaching in Korea. Teaching English as a second language is a lot harder than I had imagined. It's very challenging because English grammar comes so natural to me, and the thought of teaching the basic grammars have never crossed my mind of why and how I use such grammar into forming sentences. As a Foreign English teacher, it's hard to explain to the students how to grammatically create sentences with the language barrier. 

Many of my older students, aged 9-12, can read, but a lot of them don't understand the meaning. Personally, I've come to realize, after studying the Hangul alphabet, that I can read, but I don't entirely understand or know what it means. I'm sure this is exactly how my students feel. So what can I do to help my students understand what they are reading? This has been the most challenging question I have yet to solve. 

The provided GnB books are great, but it doesn't help me enough, and having the kids for only 50 minutes for two days per week isn't enough either. On top of different leveled students in each class as well. So, how can I make the students catch up to their higher leveled students? How can the Korean teachers help the English teachers improve the students' understanding (phonics, grammar, and etc.)? What other things need to be incorporated? 

I can understand why education is so complicated in various ways because of these problems. If I put myself into my students' shoes. Not understanding what the English teacher is fully saying when making instructions can be very intimidating. Being asked to answer a question when you don't know is also intimidating. It doesn't help when that "one" classmate always shouts out the answer as well. So what are a few ways that I, as a teacher, can help my students feel more at ease in these types of situations? 

Yes, its been quite the challenge, but I'm still learning, experience, growing, and experimenting (trial and error) as I teach and observe my students. I hope to answer my questions little by little along the way. If it's one thing to do, I need to teach grammar a lot more. I need to incorporate it even if it's not in the GnB books. Korean and English have very different grammar structures. Let's hope for the best and wish me luck! 

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