Sunday, March 16, 2014

Satisfying the Korean Parents

It's the second week of classes for me. I officially have more than 2 classes. The classes are still slowly increasing though every week is different, and the changes have been very confusing. Why? Well, the director and Korean teachers does whatever it takes to make the parents have their children stay with us. So that means changing a particular child to a higher level even if they didn't place into that specified level. Classes, students, and lessons are scattered everywhere this week. Its making everyone frustrated, tired, and confused. I, on the other hand, have nothing to complain about because I only have about 2-3 classes a day compared to the other teachers, especially the Korean teachers. They go above and beyond what's expected and paid of them to even do. They work 7 hours each day (includes some weekends as well, if not all). They also spend probably 3-5 other extra hours to call parents after classes and organizing for next day's lesson plans. I can't imagine, but you can definitely tell education is taken very seriously here.

My coworker and I had a talk about the Korean education system, and how it puts a lot of stress and strain on children having to go to school and study almost 12-16 hours a day! There's no youth in them when all they do is learn learn learn. There's this pressure that makes children feel that they need to go to school for a better future, and not failing their parents. My Korean teacher tells me about the high suicide rates due to this education stress and pressure. It's a very sad problem.

Not only is the education system a big problem. The social media, especially Kpop music, has a large influence on young children. That includes wanting to look a certain way --plastic surgery.

Korea culture is definitely beautiful despite it being corrupted in some areas. I appreciate it a lot.

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